Sleep and Work Worries

Like most of us, you’ve probably been affected by some form of sleep related problems lying awake stressed about work or your future unable to fall asleep. The inevitable floodgates open and you start questioning more passionately about “What if I hand in my resignation? Is this what I want to do for the rest …

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

The Power of Hypnosis in Weight Management and Stress Reduction For many people, weight management is a constant battle. Despite trying various diets, exercise regimes, and lifestyle changes, it can be challenging to achieve sustainable results. However, recent evidence suggests that the power of our minds, when directed appropriately, can significantly improve our weight management. …

Obsessive Cream Disorder

A short excerpt from a local paper who ran a short article about me recently… Obsessive Cream Disorder (OCD) A local hypnotherapist explains about a new phenomenon that has been causing some distress. What has quickly become known as Obsessive Cream Disorder, is sending people to seek help from local hypnotherapists. One such person is …

National No Smoking Day

It’s National No Smoking Day here in the UK, a day that aims to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking and encourage smokers to quit for good. It’s no secret that smoking causes cancer, and the negative health effects of smoking are well-documented. Smoking is responsible for many chronic diseases, including lung cancer, heart …