Gain Confidence with Hypnotherapy

How hypnotherapy can help with low self-esteem and lack of confidence Hypnotherapy is uniquely suited to working with the content of the subconscious. Its therefore very effective for helping you improve your self-esteem. During the deep relaxation of the hypnotic trance, the subconscious is more receptive. I can then help you update your views of …

How do you compare in life?

People feel that others are ‘better’ than them. Within my work I find that many people feel that others are just simply ‘better’ than them, that they are more successful and have more money. It’s a destructive habit where they compare themselves to people who have nicer cars, bigger houses and more friends (on Facebook). …

Break Free from Sleep Paralysis

“I lie awake in bed….panic smothers me as I try and move. I know I’m not alone, but I can’t talk.  My breath becomes more urgent as I try unsuccessfully to move. There’s an axe coming through the bedroom door.   Everything is pressing down on me, and despite trying to do anything I’m powerless.” Is …

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

Diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome IBS by your GP? You’re probably not controlling your symptoms satisfactorily.  Coupled with being too sick to work, or taking time off to visit your doctor affects your quality of life. Bloating, intermittent diarrhoea, constipation – all things that end up causing tiredness and general irritability. Consequently you find yourself …

Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking

Are you tired of trying to quit smoking and failing? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, from nicotine patches to willpower alone, and nothing seems to work? If so, solution focused hypnotherapy for smoking may be the solution you’ve been searching for. What is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy? Solution focused hypnotherapy is a type of …