Primitive instincts can create problems

Primitive instincts and modern problems. Have we truly evolved yet to our surroundings? If so, then why with so many comforts of modern life at our fingertips are we suffering from stress related symptoms such as anxiety disorders, OCD, IBS and depression? We have mobile phones and the internet, we’re able to travel to far off destinations in the …

Conduct a Life Audit

Conduct an 80/20 Life Audit to Evaluate and Improve Your Life Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands and responsibilities in your life? Do you feel like you’re constantly running on a hamster wheel, unable to catch a break? It might be time to conduct an 80/20 life audit to evaluate and improve your life. …

Achieve Your New Year Goals

Achieving Your New Year Goals with Hypnotherapy The start of a new year often prompts people to make resolutions and set new goals. However, sticking to these goals can be challenging, and many people struggle to maintain their motivation throughout the year. Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool to help individuals achieve their New Year …

Let Go of Negative Habits this Autumn

Autumn leaves begin to carpet the pavements and the eternal question of whether the clocks go back or forward an hour are discussed. Autumn is a season of change, when the leaves on the trees begin to fall and the air grows colder. It’s a time of reflection and introspection, as we take stock of …