Read Real Reviews

The hallmark of any good therapist is the presence of real, sound testimonials & reviews from satisfied clients. Considering that my work is of a confidential nature, and unless clients want to share their experience, I don’t. But if, like some people who like to share their experiences, you are absolutely welcome to do so. In fact it helps others who are unsure of whether hypnotherapy could help them to make that decision. I thank those who do.

TrustIndex Neil Cox Hypnotherapy Reviews

But what about the very concerning issue of fake reviews? I know there are many, many ways of people obtaining reviews through paid or other methods. But how do I ensure my reviews are bona fide and can be trusted?

Well the answer is simple. Clients who leave a review are offered that opportunity from my online booking system (Fresha) after having booked and attended one of my sessions. So these are only going to be real clients, real appointments and hence real reviews.

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What my clients are saying

“Neil has helped me enormously. I would highly recommend him as both a therapist and very lovely man.”


“Really great, Neil made me feel at ease and fully explained what would be happening. Very insightful first session and I am looking forward to my new journey.”


“I’m a big believer in giving your mind the care and space it needs, and along with meditation and mindfulness practices, I find that hypnotherapy can make the “holy trinity” of peace, presence and mental strength. Hypnotherapy, for me at least, needs the right practitioner. Neil’s great; empathetic, dedicated, inquisitive and intuitive. He’s a kind man with a kind voice and has helped me greatly both personally and professionally. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him. We’ve worked on a combination of bad habits, intrinsic motivation and self care. It’s been a great journey so far.”


Fundraiser overcomes obstacles

Now….every once in a while, there comes along someone who experiences significant results from making that choice. One such person gladly shared her story…

Katie Brind seizures tourettes testimonials bude cornwall fundraising

Please read her full story and donate too!

Her story began this time last year when she couldn’t walk without assistance and often could not talk. Having two long-term chronic conditions, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, meant she hadn’t had a pain free day for over 10 years. In the last 2 years, she suffered a haemorrhage, had a small tumour removed and then needed further surgery.

One evening, last year she suddenly felt very unwell. Unable to move or speak and having witnessed her grandma suffer two strokes, she thought maybe she was suffering the same problem.  Luckily, her mum lived nearby in another part of the house, and after an hour, she managed to drag herself to her mother, an ambulance was called and she was taken to hospital.

The morning after she returned from hospital, she again felt unwell; however, the symptoms were very different.  She started having a violent seizure, and her whole body was leaving the bed with the power of it. The first response car arrived, followed by the air ambulance. But as she was being so violent in her movements, it was considered unsafe to travel by air, so a land ambulance was called.

Pah ching, Pah chong

In A&E she was punching anything and anybody in sight. However no-one suffered  injury and a lot of apologies were offered. The seizures lasted for a few hours along with a sudden onset of what doctors likened to a strange form of Tourette’s. She was shouting out “pah ching, pah chong” and  suddenly developed some karate moves. Karate chopping through seizures like she was some sort of Ninja Warrior.

After a week of many seizures and episodes of Tourette’s she was discharged from hospital.  But the seizures continued for several months, with up to 10 episodes a day.  She was required to hand in her driving licence,  lost her independence and felt she was losing her sanity being stuck in the house. She became reliant on other people and was not able to be left alone. It was a very long time before she felt well again.

The episodes gradually became less frequent and she was starting to go out during the day. So after living like this for 10 months, although much improved, she decided to try something alternative. She made an appointment to see me.

“This is the best decision I have ever made. He made me view my life very differently, he gave me the positivity and confidence to do new things. He has helped me to control my anxiety and as I am writing this I am touching every piece of wood in sight, but I have not had any seizures since seeing Neil.”

Now, this was a significant result in anyone’s eyes. Coupled with her continued progress of coming off her pain medication she’s very pleased.

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